News stories

Amadou Billa, 56 years old, a vulnerable member of the Toya community, plants "bourgou" (aquatic fodder – Echinochloa stagnina specie) in readiness for the rainy season. Although he is blind, he has participated in training that helps him provide for his family. Bourgou is used for livestock and fish feed, protecting rice cultivations, and as a major source of revenue. WFP/Katia Oslansky.

Amadou Billa, 56 years old, a vulnerable member of the Toya community, plants "bourgou" (aquatic fodder – Echinochloa stagnina specie) in readiness for the rainy season. Although he is blind, he has participated in training that helps him provide for his family. Bourgou is used for livestock and fish feed, protecting rice cultivations, and as a major source of revenue. WFP/Katia Oslansky.
