Ghana, successful elections testify to democratic maturity
UNOWAS E-Magazine
UNOWAS E-Magazine
Women and Youth are key to Peacebuilding in West Africa and the Sahel
UNOWAS/CNMC : 20 years of commitment for the promotion of peace and conflict prevention
The Cameroon-Nigeria Mixed Commission, towards a model peaceful settlement of a border dispute
UNOWAS, an active and mobilized partner to support countries of the sub-region
Peacebuilding in West Africa and the Sahel put to the test by COVID-19
Special Edition on the United Nations Integrated Strategy for the Sahel
The State, civil society , regional and international partners, each one has a critical role to play in this long-term undertaking. Looking at the region objectively enables us to grasp the extent of the challenges, their tenacity and their complexity.
Two major countries in West Africa and the Sahel conducted peaceful presidential elections, despite a postponement of the election date in one and some incidents in the other. These countries are Senegal and Nigeria.
The issue #7 of UNOWAS E-Magazine focuses on the question of impunity, access to justice and human rights, subject of a regional conference we organized with our partners as well as on a UNOWAS study on pastoralism and security in West Africa and the Sahel.
This sixth issue of UNOWAS Magazine is a special edition devoted to the regional colloquium on “Challenges and prospects of political reforms in West Africa in 2015-2017,” which was organized by UNOWAS in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, from 26 to 27 March 2018.